Mar 26, 2010

Brand X

With everything offered to us daily, the toughest thing to be is authentic. Make up, downers, weight loss, weight gainers, uppers, cars and houses that wont be page off in this life, jewelry, fashion. But who are we? What are the things that make us happy, opposed to the things that make other happy about us. It may sound selfish people but we have got to got ourselves right first. How can we ever encourage, mentor, lead, or thrive when we 1 either dont know who we are or 2 have to be who we are. Lets forgive ourselves and love who God made us. Because i dont see me or you making any progress, living a fantasy, living this life we are blessed to have, as someone else.

Mar 1, 2010


I am so proud of myself. Yesterday i feel like i conquered fear. The same fear that has kept me from claiming victory. The same fear that has kept me from acting on the wisdom and intelligence that i have been blessed with. If you are reading this be proud of me too. Because on March 1 2o1o, I after thirty years of cowardice, I, was BRAVE.

Feb 23, 2010

We often complain about not asking for the responsibilities we end up with. For instance: I love being a big brother! But, i never asked to be a roll model. My brothers and sisters ask me for advice all the time. I once looked at all the failures i have made as proof i shouldn be an advisor. But there is no substitute for experience. No matter how i look down on myself they will always look up to me. A small piece of success is giving them something to look at.

Feb 20, 2010

The Good Stuff

What's really good for your health.....Is friends. The ones you can share with(Not nuggets or t-shirts). the ones that care about you(not the ones that only call you when direct diposit is supposed to hit). The ones that Believe in you(not the ones that believe you are more sober than they are, and should drive).

I mean the friends whos judgement you can count on, when your's is clouded. The ones who are all about lifting you up, and are with you(THE WHOLE TIME YOU ARE DOWN) The friends that want the best for you(and not just so they can get some. The ones that are there for you wihtout hesitation or hate. the friends that I am thankful for are thankful for me to.

Feb 19, 2010

The Biggest Change

The biggest change I could ever make.... To stop internalizing my problems.  You know being a little more transparent, with the people who love me. Openness and Honesty is the key to meaningful relationships.

Feb 18, 2010